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Okay, we know the truth; for many players the end goal has always been a Draik. And why not? Draiks are dragons, which makes them popular right off the bat. They have great base art, which makes them pleasing to look at. And they might be the most easily customized pet on the site; is there any wearable they don’t look good in? We haven’t found one yet, from neocash to neopoint wearables – if it can be worn by a Draik, chances are, it almost looks like it was made for a Draik. Add on the fact that Draiks are harder to get than any other species of neopet, and you have a recipe for one very popular dreampet.
Well, here at the Bank of Neopia we have everything you need to make that special dream Draik a reality. In addition to the Draik morphing potions and Transmogrification potions we carry, we carry all of the Draik Eggs so that no matter what your dream is, we can make it a reality. From the basic red/blue/yellow/green eggs to Pirate Draik Eggs and the more elusive Lost Desert Draik Eggs and Ice Draik Eggs, it’s all in stock here at the Bank of Neopia. Instant delivery means that whatever Draik you’ve been dreaming of, you’re only minutes away from making it a reality – within moments of checkout you’re emailed the log-in details to a preloaded account containing your future Draik.
Once you have your Draik Egg, hatching your Draik couldn’t be simpler. Make sure your Draik Egg is in your inventory, and then visit the Draik Nest (to read more about hatching your Draik, ””, Jellyneo has a great article explaining more about it).
Deciding whether to use a Draik Morphing Potion / Transmogrification Potion can be a tough call. In general, Draik Eggs are cheaper than MPs or TPs, especially Pirate Draik Eggs. Using a Draik Egg creates a brand new pet, so these are great if you have a name in mind you want to use. However, the downfall is that you can’t move the pet for 7 days because it has to age before it can be transferred – that means if you want to use a Fountain Faerie Quest on your new Draik, your pet will be stuck where it hatched for a week. You also can’t control gender with a Draik Egg, so your pet has an equal chance of hatching male or female. (Of course, gender changing is easy in the Battle Dome – simply fight the Lab Ray Scientist until he changes your pet’s gender; once the gender is changed you don’t even have to finish the battle! If battling isn’t for you, a Strange Potion will also do the trick.) That said, if you want an Ice Draik and don’t want to risk the lab ray on your expensive new Draik, Ice Draik Eggs are the only guaranteed way to get this otherwise lab-only colour. On the other hand, if you have a pet you want made into a Draik, a Morphing or Transmogrification Potions are the only way to go. Potions allow you to use a pet that is already aged, or one that has a name that is significant to you (such as a real-word or real-name name). Whichever way you choose to make your dream a reality, the Bank of Neopia has everything you need in stock – including paint brushes and Fountain Faerie Quests to paint your new Draik. Why wait when you can have your new Draik today?